niedziela, stycznia 04, 2009

Check out iBoxer Machine at ATEI 2009 in London

We would like to show you the first evolution of iBoxer - first boxer machine with OLED technology inside. You can play this and many other of our game machines in London during the ATEI 2009 (27-29 January 2009).

niedziela, grudnia 14, 2008

Did you know... why power consumption is so low?

By using only LED lighting and OLED back-light for the display we reduced average power consumption to 35W which is as much as one fluorescent bulb!

czwartek, grudnia 11, 2008

Giant iPhones for Discos

iBoxer premiere took place in world wide web. You can find first photos of machine and general description on
In few minutes most of technology blogs were 'infected' with iBoxer trend.